Random voice: "How's your iPhone? Mine sucks, I am having tons of problems with it. It's slow as shit."
Voice of reason: "Have you updated the firmware, or even rebooted it...ever?"
Random voice: "HUH???!!!"
Voice of reason: "Nothing, it was a joke." (Under breath: ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?)
As a bit of a spouse labled "Techie", please if you know anyone that fits this description, please talk them out of any future purchases of anything with buttons, and powered by electricity.
If you don't, dont say I didn't warn you!!!
I understand that this sounds a bit "ruthless", so let me explain. Random voice has had the iPhone for almost 2 full years now. Voice of Reason has explained all of this to random on at least 5 different occassions, each time Random looks like a deer in the headlights...
Random has also called Reason to be "walked-through" the updating process. Reason obliged. This phone call was on the weekend, and Random just happens to be a person that has a "Super?visory" role over Reason. I chalk this up to a case of, if you CAN'T understand it after it is explained, demonstrated, and performed with you, FORGET IT!!!
P.S. Here is Random's actual signature block... NOTE THE QUOTE AT THE END!!!!!
(rank) Random
e-mail: Random
"Tell me and I forget; show me and I remember; involve me and I understand."