Monday, February 11, 2008

FUN MONDAY: The Best Song EVER!!!!!!!!

This week, The Crown Princess wanted to hear the ONE song that is you. The song that whenever it is heard, you smile.

That being said, I had to resort back to a soundtrack that my Platoon made in Afghanistan. My roomate and I decided to make a songlist involving everyone in the Platoon. It turned into a great ordeal, and we came up with all these outlandish rules about how we could veto a choice and how we both had to agree on the nominated songs! We made a rule that no one could pick their own song, which supposedly meant that which ever song we got tagged with is what everyone thought of us!!! Needless to say a few feelings were hurt, especially when you give a guy a song titled "Shitman"!!! Anyway, loads of funny songs and 1 that was deemed as mine...

Asshole by Dennis Leary

I hope that you don't think that I do do (I just said do do American Idol) all the things that he talks about. But damn do I wish I did sometimes!!!

Thanks for reading now go get your chuckles elsewhere....TRY HERE!!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

FUN MONDAY: The Bucket List...

This week Tiggerlane assigned us this task...

Have you heard of The Bucket List? Well, that's what I want from you! Make a list of things you want to do before you die. It must be at least five items - and you can make it as long as you desire. Photos are optional. And let's hear about some of the wackiest, most bizarre to-do's on your Bucket List!

So here is Retro's bucket list...

-------late addition to top of list-----

- Become a Grandpa.
- Invent something absolutely useless to everyone but me.
- Beat Kaytabug @ Sing Star for the PS2!!!!
(Although that will never happen, because apparently unbeknown to me, I am tone-deaf!!! Love you too HONEY!!!! Or should I call you Simon!!!! lol....
- Build my own website
- Earn a degree in psychology, and use it
- See a Kansas State Football game in person
- Build the house of our dreams with my own hands, and it still stands...
- Make friends, not acquaintances
- Eat a 2lb steak at a 5 star restaurant
- Relive the movie National Treasure
- Grow a mullet!!! (yes, I am serious, just ask Kaytabug)
- Own a Harley!!! (a real one)
- Go back to Great America with my oldest!!! 10 Roller coasters in 70 min!!!! (lines were all gone)
- Get a tattoo the "old way"
- Unplug from the MATRIX

Well, that is about al I can come up with tonight. I hope you enjoyed them, and remember the MULLET will make it's comeback!!!!!!

Now get out there and check out everyone else's entries!!!!!!