Monday, January 21, 2008

A tattoo for my pal...

I know that it has been a while and I know what is on your mind, "What does the tattoo look like?" Well, as Kaytabug has told me, I think I may have misled some of you, I got a tattoo, but it was not of my puppy, It was something that I had in my sketch book.

This was a picture I drew in 1997 after seeing something similar in a tattoo magazine. It represents all the different people that have touched me throughout my life.

This is what the final product looks like, bear in mind that it is now 10 years old so it ha faded some. Anyone out there skilled with a gun enough to touch it up?!!!

So anyway, as I was trying to say, the reason I got this tattoo was to deal with the emotional pain of losing my puppy. Most guys out there, especially strange ones like myself, know that when you are overwhelmed with emotional pain, the only thing that makes sense is to go through some physical pain. Strange how men use this to their advantage when dealing with women in order to play the "poor me" card.

I hope i just didn't break a man law by disclosing that information.

I hope this helps clarify matters. thanks for stopping by!



Alison said...

cool tat...nice to hear from you again!!

Kaytabug said...

LOL man law!!

Fianna said...

Man law! Ha! That is funny.

I like the tat. I was totally expecting a dog. Artsy fartsy, huh?

willowtree said...

I don't think you broke any man law, you may have broken some pervert law though. Oh wait, I think you did break a man law when you used 'puppy' in a sentence.

Kaytabug said...

LMAO WT! I am just now finding out my hubby was a man whore!!!

Unknown said...

You might have broken a man law but I'm old enough to have figured that one out on my own. :) We maybe it's not all age, I do have 3 sons. :)

Anonymous said...

Fianna- Artsy-fartsy is not exactly what I was thinking, but thanks!!!

WT-Let the record show that you also said "puppy" in a sentence!

willowtree said...

Arrggghhh!!! Got me on a technicality!! Damn you Retro!

Sandy said...

Awesome tat!

Sandy said...

My gosh, your new header is breathtaking!

kitten said...

HA! HA! Man LAw! I hear ya! Nice tat! Really!