This week Tiggerlane assigned us this task...
Have you heard of The Bucket List? Well, that's what I want from you! Make a list of things you want to do before you die. It must be at least five items - and you can make it as long as you desire. Photos are optional. And let's hear about some of the wackiest, most bizarre to-do's on your Bucket List!
So here is Retro's bucket list...
-------late addition to top of list-----
- Become a Grandpa.
- Invent something absolutely useless to everyone but me.
- Beat Kaytabug @ Sing Star for the PS2!!!!
(Although that will never happen, because apparently unbeknown to me, I am tone-deaf!!! Love you too HONEY!!!! Or should I call you Simon!!!! lol....
- Build my own website
- Earn a degree in psychology, and use it
- See a Kansas State Football game in person
- Build the house of our dreams with my own hands, and it still stands...
- Make friends, not acquaintances
- Eat a 2lb steak at a 5 star restaurant
- Relive the movie National Treasure
- Grow a mullet!!! (yes, I am serious, just ask Kaytabug)
- Own a Harley!!! (a real one)
- Go back to Great America with my oldest!!! 10 Roller coasters in 70 min!!!! (lines were all gone)
- Get a tattoo the "old way"
- Unplug from the MATRIX
Well, that is about al I can come up with tonight. I hope you enjoyed them, and remember the MULLET will make it's comeback!!!!!!
Now get out there and check out everyone else's entries!!!!!!
-------late addition to top of list-----
- Become a Grandpa.
- Invent something absolutely useless to everyone but me.
- Beat Kaytabug @ Sing Star for the PS2!!!!
(Although that will never happen, because apparently unbeknown to me, I am tone-deaf!!! Love you too HONEY!!!! Or should I call you Simon!!!! lol....
- Build my own website
- Earn a degree in psychology, and use it
- See a Kansas State Football game in person
- Build the house of our dreams with my own hands, and it still stands...
- Make friends, not acquaintances
- Eat a 2lb steak at a 5 star restaurant
- Relive the movie National Treasure
- Grow a mullet!!! (yes, I am serious, just ask Kaytabug)
- Own a Harley!!! (a real one)
- Go back to Great America with my oldest!!! 10 Roller coasters in 70 min!!!! (lines were all gone)
- Get a tattoo the "old way"
- Unplug from the MATRIX
Well, that is about al I can come up with tonight. I hope you enjoyed them, and remember the MULLET will make it's comeback!!!!!!
Now get out there and check out everyone else's entries!!!!!!
The mullet will NEVER EVER be attractive!
I'm sorry baby, but you won't ever beat me at Sing star!!
So are you saying you want to be Nicolas Cage? I'm up for that!
Great list baby!!
I think I'm afraid to ask what the "old way" of tattooing is. Please post that mullet picture as soon as you accomplish this goal. I like to laugh:o) Oh, wait, I can just go back and look at old pictures of my husband and then post them on my own blog. See, I'm laughing already. Thank you.
I would love to see the Mullet. I am in total support.
I think your first item (below the Star Wars convention) is Super Cool!!
I have never played Sing Star, we are an Xbox family, but I love Guitar Hero.
Great list!!!
I definitely want to see the mullet when you get one...although I really hope they don't come back!!! what is the old way of getting a tatoo??
Great to hear from you again!!
i love that tattoo!!
But i toowas wondering what the old way is...getting drunk enough to have friends do it?
Great list!! I'm not so sure about the mullet though!
Back away from the mullet... honestly, you have a great blog name going here... go toward the light and you'll be fine.
Great list, I think we should all unplug from the matrix... just no mullets ok?
I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at "grow a mullet" and get a tattoo the "old way". Both painful. No really. The mullet may not be painful to you but maybe to those around you? :o) And a tattoo the 'old way'? Now that's painful!
May the force be with you!!!
What is the "old way" to get a tattoo?
Unplug form the Matrix? You know I think we all feel that way. (Katabug, does he look anything like Keanu?)
wow great list. I love steak but 2lbs!! Hope you get the top of the list achieved and all the others of course!
better make that 2 degrees in psychology. take it from someone who knows, the BS is just that, BS, it does you no good, i mean it makes you more in touch with your own brain and you can figure out people's reasons for doing stuff, but i think by the time you're a parent you figure that stuff out anyway, call it a crash course in people psych. you need a 2nd, and sometimes 3rd degree in order to actually use it for WORK per se... :-(
Ah...Singstar on PS2 - I have been desperately trying to beat The Offspring's high score on all the songs, but there's a reason she is a choir diva. Great list - thanks for participating!
UGH. I could never unplug from the Matrix. I have had an epidural and it so gives me teh creeps to see those plug thingys on the neck.
What is a tattoo the old fashioned way? Maybe I don't want to know!
The mullet! I love a good mullet and no, that is not an oxymoron!
Great list.
jenni - Glad I could give you a laugh...
fianna - if you would ever come visit, you could play xbox....
allison, and everyone else that asked - I will post about the old way soon... check back often
linda - you underestimate the power of the mullet!!!
pamela - nothing like keanu!
lil mouse - thanks for the advice, or crushing all of my hopes and aspirations!!! Just kidding...Thank you truely!:)
tiggerlane - your offspring and my wife should compare high scores!!!
sandy - you rock!!!
al signed up for next week.. Will Billy Ray be featured with his mullet?
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