Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sitting In The Basement

I downloaded a new free app for my iPhone and decided to test it while on "monster watch". I assume it will work?!!!!

Posted with LifeCast


Kaytabug said...

LOL!!! Did you see any monsters?

Retrohipster said...

@kaytabug: No, but man that boy has some BIG feet!!!!

Unknown said...

Neato pateeto. If only iPhones didn't break so easily. Or if only I wasn't such a klutz. The relationship just won't work out until it changes. Sigh.

Retrohipster said...

Funny you should mention how easy they break, I ran mine over with the lawn mower several months ago and it is still working!!! NO of course not with the actual blades, just the back tire.