Monday, August 11, 2008

Excess Personnel?

ex·cess n. ɪkˈsɛs, ˈɛksɛs; adj., v. ˈɛksɛs, ɪkˈsɛs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[n. ik-ses, ek-ses; adj., v. ek-ses, ik-ses]

to dismiss, demote, transfer, or furlough (an employee), esp. as part of a mass layoff.

So this morning I get to my desk and there is a new "phone roster" sitting on it. It affectionately has me listed as "EXCESS PERSONNEL". Now I know that this should be trivial, but come on! If I am excess, does that mean that I am no longer needed? Can I just stay home and not come in at all? It sounds like I am just sitting around wasting space on the roster when it is labeled like that.

This morning Rusty Nail also told me that the job that I was supposed to move into has changed, I am now going into the same job that everyone gets when no one wants to deal with them anymore, a place surrounded by civilians, so no military members have to deal with the headache anymore. Listening to him try to put the positive spin on it was ridiculous. I thought last weeks "ah and um" outbreak was bad, this was infinitely worse! It is hard to look at the positive side of this when the negative side keeps kicking you in the face.

This is a prime example of how life will not stop and wait for you to get better, or even sort out your emotions and make you peace with it. It just keeps throwing you curveballs and forces you to shit or get off the pot. the hard part is to revamp your thought process and stick to your decision to shit down it's fucking neck. In the loving words of our oldest: "MOM, I need more wipes!"


Fianna said...

The decision to shit down life's neck is a very important one to make. Keep pushing back - against Rusty Nail, against work, keep striving to prove them wrong. Living better is the ultimate revenge. (Well, since murder is considered a capital offense.)

Kaytabug said...

I love Fianna's comment!
So, I would ask fucking Rusty Nail if this means he doesn't need you to teach since you are just excess personnel. If you don't ask I will.At the least you could ask him that!

I am so sorry that you won't be getting the position you thought you would be getting, I knew you were looking fwd to it. I think it is time for a fucking grievance with the help of Dr. Spock! Again, if you don't ask Dr.Spock and let him know what the fuck they are doing to you then I have no problems letting him know!
Really I am not threatening you, just strongly suggesting what needs to get done. I love you! XOXOXOXOX