Today in classic RUSTY NAIL fashion, I was again told that I would be going to work for my old boss. As soon as RUSTY NAIL told me that, I sent an email to the guy and verified it with him. This time it was actually the truth. One unexpected thing was that I am supposed to report to this new job immediately after we graduate this class. By immediately, I mean we graduate at 1100, and right after I shake all their sweaty hands, I go to my new job. It's like they can't wait to kick me out the door. If I wasn't teaching I would probably already be there.
After a discussion with Kaytabug, we have decided that my future boss shall be known as: SERGEANT HARTMAN.
Background on SGT Hartman - The DI from Full Metal Jacket
Normally when people leave this organization, they get a farewell luncheon and a rather expensive plaque that everyone chips in for to thank them for a good job. With the accelerated plan that they seem to have in mind for getting rid of me, I doubt that I will receive such a luncheon or farewell. And how is this not supposed to be depressing? To know without a shadow of doubt that those you have to call peers DON'T want you around. Why even show up anymore?!!!
I am happy about going to work for someone other than RUSTY NAIL, but not at all happy about how it is happening.
That clip is fucking hilarious! "I didn't know they stacked shit that high." Omg I think I will watch it again.
I am mighty pissed off that you might not get the recognition you so deserve!
Just remember...the ones not giving the recognition don't matter. The students care for you and like you, forget about the other jerkwads. Farewell!!
I left my last job after being there for 7 years. I turned in my notice and my boss would not speak to me for my last 3.5 weeks there. I had babysat her child on numerous occasions, had helped her through some really tough personal times, etc. and it really hurt my feelings that she chose to react in the way she did.
I'm sorry you're being treated this way - I know somewhat how you feel.
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