Friday, April 18, 2008

I hate the energizer bunny!!!

Look at this pink little shit!!  Mocking me behind those big ass Roy Orbison looking sunglasses.  BANG BANG BANG on the drum, relentless, unyielding.  I know why every eats those PEEP marshmallow treats for Easter.  You can actually bite the head off of one of those damn pink bunnies and chew on it.  One moment of bliss, and as a bonus, they taste pretty good too!!!  Then out of nowhere, "Why is my foot tapping?"  "Why do I suddenly want to get up and jump around?"  DAMN SUGAR RUSH.  I blame you Mr. Energizity hippity hoppity fucking bunny!!!!


There, now I feel better.  Another sleepless night, and after re-reading that first paragraph, I think it might be starting to show...


Tomorrow morning, or actually later this morning we pick up another class.  Looking forward to having an actual job again!  DAMN, my alarm is going to wake me up in an hour to get ready for work.  I can't wait to drink a beer or 9 Saturday, that should help me get to sleep.  I hope anyway.


Oh, I don't know why I keep forgetting to mention it, seeing as how I check the tracking service almost hourly, But I finally talked Kaytabug into letting me get an iPhone.  By the last report, it was in Alaska, and I should have it in my non pink, fluffy hands Monday!  I CAN'T WAIT.  Already looking online for all types of themes and cracks and hacks.  I am so excited.  You can expect a full blog post advertisement for it in a week or so!!!  If you want a reason to hate the iphone, check Kaytabug's blog at about the same time.  She will probably be posting about how much time I spend with it, and how little I spend with her.  

That's alright, I think she should be expecting it to some degree,  You know, boys and their toys.  Anyway, time to do some more research on Dysthymia, and Insomnia!!  "Snoochie Bootchies!!!"


Fianna said...

What a relatable (I know this isn't a word, but spell check's top replacement is inflatable) post. Can't sleep. My alarm will go off in an hour. And I hate Not Craig's iPhone. Don't get me wrong, besides slightly slow internet, it is the most coolest thing ever. However, it is worse than a Crackberry. I presume because you could watch porn right on it.

Kaytabug said...

Great! Thanks Fianna! There you go giving him ideas! Gah!

Yes, I am expecting you to be held up in the bedroom or even sitting in plain view on the couch for about a week fucking with your new toy. Next thing you'll know Aunt Flo will be here again and you'll be wondering where the time went!! Don't come crying to me, cuz I won't want to hear it! The iphone better be better than sex!