How is it possible to develop friendships without knowing a person, without seeing their facial expressions, or even being able to tell if they are lying. the only thing you know about me is what I type, I can type whatever I want, and you will all assume that it is genuine and true. What is it about blogging that people enjoy so much? Is it the assumed security of anonymity, or the ability to talk (or type) anything you want with no repercussions? Is it the yearning to find a listening ear (even if the ear is technological and transcribes everything into sequences of 1's and 0's)? Maybe it is just the thought of being able to say what you want without the possibility of judgment from the computer. Whatever the reason, many people do it, and are better off. It possibly saves people from feeling lonely in times that they need to feel some sort of kinship and belonging; and for that I think that it may be worth it.
That was my firs blog post... anyone else see a connection here?
Please don't be afraid to comment, if anything it gives me a perspective. I don't know you and I don't have to read the entire thing if I don't like it, I am just tired of feeling alone with Kaytabug in this.
I like blogging because it gives me a place to throw up the varied thoughts, problems, irritations, or pointless drivel of my every day life to someone.
People don't have to read it, they can ignore me, turn away, whatever, but at least I have said it and entertained myself.
I started when I was lonely out in NM, and have continued when I am not quite as lonely in Houston. No close friends except K know about it, however, because I put up some things I just don't think they would appreciate/understand.
So maybe my blog is just another friend. A quiet friend, who is an incredible listener. Hmm, that may be better than some RL friends. Shit.
I started blogging out of boredom and curiosity. The people have kept me going. When I very well could have lost my baby, the blog world united to keep me going. It was an awesome feeling.
I started blogging solely because we were building a home and have no family here. I thought I could share with my family easier this way. But after the house was done I had cancer and found much support from a handful of people here.
You're right, you never know if someone is being truthful. I always assume people are and maybe that's naive. But it's a great place to work out my own thoughts even if no one reads them. I think it heals me to get my mind in order.
Thanks, it is definitely a good tool for venting when you don't really want to vent to anyone that can interrupt your thoughts. Kind of like talking to my dog, but not so wet and slobbery on the face!
blogging is totally therapeutic.
and of course comments are the nectar of the gods :-)
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