Friday, July 18, 2008

One of the most spot on reads I have found about Depression!!

If you click on the title you will finally be whisked away into a good and thought provoking read, I am actually going to print it out and give it to my coworkers, just to hopefully make them feel like shit!  No, I don't hold a grudge, read the article, you will understand.  I LOVE YOU Kaytabug!!!

I must warn you that it is a bit long, so the part that I am referring to is the first portion.  A good and informative read all the way through though.  Hope you enjoy it.

I thought you could use a laugh.


Kaytabug said...

It is a really good read! All I kept thinking though was that at least one of those retarded fucks you work with would think the article is a load of BS because it is Canadian based! I said they were retards!

I LOVE YOU! xoxo

Fianna said...

Great link. Great pic. I know a lot more than one retard, why is percentage so high?

Anonymous said...

Yes, everyone knows a retard and most of the time, I'm the one they know!

Unknown said...

I think I am the retard. :)

Unknown said...

I thought maybe my bloglines was acting up. Where are you? Hope all is well. :)