Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun Monday; how I met the love of my life...

Today's fun Monday is being hosted by Janet from the Planet of Janet. She wanted to hear the story of how we met our significant other.

Well, Kaytabug told her side of the story, now it’s time for the real story.

Now she did have a few key points right… It was a strip club, I was bald, I did have sunglasses on, and I was wearing a leather jacket. OK, no one else had better be singing “I wear my sunglasses at night.” Anyway, in walks this gorgeous, tall woman, with legs that go on forever wearing black boots and shorts that may have been a few sizes too small, and a t-shirt that I might have worn when I was in grade school. MY GOD she was smokin’ hot! I leaned over to my roommate and said, “That’s her man”. All I remember was him laughing, and telling me to get another pitcher of beer. Good times good times.

So anyway, I decide to try something, now you can say it is cheesy as fuck, or whatever else you want to, but a buddy of my dad told me to fold a dollar bill in some unique way to get a girls attention. (At this juncture girl is equivalent to stripper.) So I being the not so unique type decided that an arrow was easy enough to do, so that is how I folded it.

(Insert Forrest Gump voice here) For no particular reason at all, she walked over to our table. She walked over, and all the while I am hitting my roommate in the thigh under the table saying “holy shit” under my breath. Again he told me to get another pitcher of beer. Fuck I hated that guy!!! So she came over, sat down, and started talking. I have no idea what she said to me other than asking me about the dollar and why it was in the shape of an arrow. Yes I do actually remember that… I can’t remember what I told her, but I am sure I tried to make it a little bit cooler sounding than what I stated above. I remember looking into her eyes the whole time, I had shades on, so she had no clue how much I was diggin’ on her!!! At least I don’t think she did. So she has to go for a while, and comes back again, I get her name and phone #, and she had to phonetically spell her name so I could pronounce it, I may have been a bit inebriated at that point.

And almost 11 years later here we are. I am older, still bald and have a protective covering over my totally sculpted 8-pack!!! And there she is, hotter than ever, and YES I can say her name just fine thank you!!!!

I love you baby!!!


Fianna said...

Awesome post! I love to hear both sides of the story!

my4kids said...

Aww how sweet! ...sorta

Anonymous said...

Cool story. Did everyone meet in a bar except for me and my husband? I'm feeling more boring than I did to begin with!

Now to get the other side of your story...

Anonymous said...

It's always fun to hear the guys side. Welcome to blogging.

Molly said...

Oh heck, that is so romantic. How fun to hear both sides of the story.

Anonymous said...

It's great to get both sides. And, I love that you still think she's hot.

the planet of janet said...

love hearing both sides. yay!

Pamela said...

whoooo hooooo!
What a story! I met my husband in a church and he looked like Clark Kent and I looked like Rhoda.

Pamela said...

quite an exciting beginning for Fun Monday.

willowtree said...

Hmmm, I just assumed that you folded the dollar like that so you could...oh never mind.

Sayre said...

Uh oh - my mom folds dollar bills into bow ties... I wonder if there's something she's not telling me????

katy said...

great story, and to hear a husband and wife story is lovely.
welcome to the land of blogging

Hootin Anni said...

Well, in Forrest Gump's mother's voice I could ask you just WHERE that pointed dollar bill was pointing, but I won't!!

I like your description better than army boots! No, really.

Anonymous said...

Love reading both sides of the story!! I think I might be one of the few who didn't meet the significant other at a bar.

Beckie said...

Great story - good to hear the other side!

Karina said...

Fun to see who completely differently you both told the story. Yet the important points stayed the same.

Welcome to the world of blogging, by the way.

Sandy said...

Great story - and even close to your lady's!

Sauntering Soul said...

What an awesome story! I'd read Kaytabug's version the first time she posted it, but it's fun to hear about again.

Anonymous said...


Your version differs just slightly than hers - but great just the same!

(you were one lucky guy to actually date a stripper. Isn't that every boys dream? hee hee)

Tiggerlane said...

That is soooo cool. The dollar bill bait-trick - definitely worked! I still want to see photos of you guys back then!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic hearing both sides of the story. Love it. And I see you're new to blogging. Welcome to Fun Monday and welcome to the blogosphere!

ChrisB said...

That's a great story, that buddy of your dad gave good advice!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the other side of the story, now I will go read her side. Welcome to Fun Monday and blogging.

Anonymous said...

That was great hearing both sides of the story. I would say it worked out pretty thought she was hot, she thought you were hot. That is what it is all about.

Emma in Canada said...

That was a great story! And now I'm going to say that same thing to your wife.

Oh, and I totally had Sunglasses at Night in my head. But that's because 20 some years later I still like Corey Hart. Yeah. Total loser.

Robocop said...

Great story. You conquered a stripper. You are my hero. **Bows down**I am not worthy.....I am not worthy....**LOL**

Jenni said...

It's so much fun to hear from more of the guys! Danny is not going to believe this. He's been very suspicious of male bloggers. I think he believes Willowtree is the only one out there, LOL. I'll have to let him know about all the fun he's missing.