Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fun Funny Monday

Peter is hosting this week and the mission was as follows:

I want you to tell us your favorite joke and/or show us
your favorite cartoon, don’t worry if there is some
duplication that just means more than one person
found it funny.
So come on and regale us with your best joke and/or
cartoon, remember its New Years Eve and we feel
like a good laugh, before 2008 comes along and does its thing on us.

As I stop to think about all of the funny shit I have shared with my students over the past 18 months, there is one video that has been watched more than any other. I would have to say that this is one of the most funny things I have ever watched! "I know"....

This video has been a favorite for quite some time. I know that the task at hand was to tell a joke but, this guy is way more funny than anything I could say!!!

Well, now that you have my entry, go back to Peter's site and check the rest!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Who would've thunk it!!???

So about a week ago I have one of my random moments and ask if anyone has an XBOX 360 or PS3 that they didn't want. Well imagine my surprise when one person pipes up and says, "yeah, I have one that's broken, if you can fix it it's your's". Well about 2 days and 2 hours of research and work later, I think I had fixed it. I have been "testing" it daily since and thus far no issues. Of course I am testing it because how shitty would it be to have it out for the kids to play their new 360 games from my parents only to have the thing not work!!!???

I started my "vacation" yesterday. Had all these grand plans to clean, and didn't do any of it. Maybe today I will start on it. Then again, maybe I won't.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fun Monday Holiday Decor 101

This Fun Monday is hosted by Kaytabug This is what the assignment was:

In the spirit of the season I would like to see your favorite Christmas tree ornament. Not to be confused with the WHOLE tree. I want you to zoom in and show me one or a few(you know I can't choose just one!) of your favorite ornaments. If you don't decorate a tree, show me your menorah or dreidel, Kinara, or Yule Log. I want to see your favorite decoration for this holiday season.

I am sure that many of your families were like mine and at some point developed the tradition of giving similar items each holiday season to make up for whatever traditions they decided not to carry on. I know that seems like a harsh way to look at it, but I am a realist and I love psychology, sometimes it is necessary to look at things from a different perspective to see them for what they actually are! I digress...(Sorry Hun...)

Anyway, I have selected some of my faves. Kaytabug took pics of them last night for me, but to her suprise I added my own!!! HA HA HA, i mean Ho Ho Ho!! The weather turned shitty overnight so I got the great phone call halfway in to work telling me not to show up until 0800!! So here I sit at 0615 posting my Fun Monday. ENJOY and Happy Holidays ALL!!!!

I have always loved the muppets. (no that is not the year I was born either...)

This is a toy that I may never actually get. Maybe someday.... (hint hint Kaytabug!!)

The great thing about this ornament is that it talks!!! Every time we turn the lights on we get to hear the Emperor say:

"As you can see my young apprentice, your friends have failed.
Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!
Fire at will, Commander!"
It's really fun to watch the dogs cock their heads wondering, "why the fuck is that tree calling me its' apprentice?!"

Any guesses on what my favorite movies might be? Damn you for saying Star Trek!!!!!

Well, I hope this was as entertaining for you as it was for me...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Back and ready for more!!!

Well, judging by how many hits I have had on my blog since I last posted, I might start thinking that more people read my blog when I don't write!!! Anyway, the class has been busy, and we just got back from the field. I took my boss' job right before Thanksgiving. I have been trying to get caught up on all the shit that he decided not to do!!!! I apologize, wait no I don't, I never said that there would be regular posts! But anyway, thanks for coming back to read again!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

"Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."

If you have never seen the movie Office Space, you need to! Well today I spent the day rating songs on iTunes. Yeah the student's had class today, but all I had to do was sit in the back and play on my laptop. I love it when we have Outside training! It is fun to sit back and watch everyone interact with those around them.

That's where this post seems to want to go so, I will talk about people watching. How many of you sit in restaurants and watch everyone around you go through their meals and lives, as if you were a fly on the wall? I find it amazing to look in from the outside. You can learn alot about a person just by watching them for a while, especially when they don't realize that they are being watched.

Part of what I do is evaluate my students leadership, and in order to do that, I have to watch them all the time, the entire time they are here for school. Leadership is not something that you turn on and off, so I have to keep my eyes on them at all times. It gets fun at times, because you can see problems between people start to brew almost weeks before it explodes, and they start getting upset with each other. The one's that have these issues always wonder why I don't give them a better rating. They always come here thinking that they know how to lead, but so often, they m

Monday, October 29, 2007

Day Zero

Well, I am about to give a bit more insight into the world of Retrohipster. I am an instructor. What I teach is not important, but all of my students have been in their job for a while and are supposed to be mature and professional. Unfortunately days like today prove this to be a myth. There is a "class leader" assigned and no kidding in less than 3 hours my group and my battle buddy's group both lost one person!!! My guy was found first, his guy decided to stop for dinner before trying to find out where he was supposed to be. Even if he was told where to go just before leaving!!! WOW!!! WTF Jackass! Well, at least I know that I can teach them something! I can guess that there will be more posts about this group, and at some point it may become a sitcom!! If any of you work for a network, I take hand-outs!! I am not too proud to beg!!! Thanks for listening and letting me vent all!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fun Monday #39

The hostess this week is Candid Karina. She has asked to see our security blankets, or the things that we can't leave the house without.

I only have one thing that I truly can't leave the house without. It is the memorial bracelet pictured below. It bears the name of my best friend. I know that I probably bummed a bunch of you out, but this is probably going to be my security blanket for the rest of my life.

I miss you...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Am I alone here?

OK, I have decided to once again vent to my technological friend, that I will call Mac.

Yesterday while watching TV with the Mrs. there was this add for Buitoni pasta meals. If you have not seen it I am sorry, it is not on the web, so unfortunately no link...

Anyway, there is this woman in a toga, with a lyre, and she is going around the grocery store "inspiring" people to by Buitoni pasta products. She then states that she is a muse, blah, blah, blah... Now that seems like a decent selling point until you look a bit closer. The woman cast is red haired, green eyed and obviously Irish. I didn't know that the Greeks believed the deities known as "The Muses" to be of Irish decent. I guess Zeus may have had some Irish in him?!!

And I did not realize that Irish daughters of Greek gods would go around promoting Italian food.

Now I don't want to come off as an ass or bigot, or racist, etc. I just wish that instead of just trying to sell a product, people would at least not try to insult everyone else's intelligence! I would like to think that some ass that payed attention in history would have said, "hey wait a minute guys". but then I am sure that some other ass said, oh yeah like who else is going to know that Poindexter? Well I did.

Is it to much to ask that we correctly portray things? I am sure that next to the internet, TV has to be the 2nd most popular place to get information. I just wish that what we saw on it would be at least somewhat accurate. Am I alone here?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fun Monday #38

This week's Fun Monday is being hosted by WT, he wants to see some clothing art. That's tee shirts, baseball caps, hoodies, sports uniforms or any bit of clothing that you or your kids own that has interesting, funny or artistic graphics.

Due to some technical difficulties, I can't remember how to link to WT's site. This is what happens when the blogger of the house leaves for a weekend!!!

This has been in my closet for about 10 or 11 years now. Kaytabug really likes this one for some reason....

This was "hand made" by our youngest last year for Father's Day.

My mom got this for me in St. Louis about 15 years ago. It is totally worn out, and for some reason I am not supposed to wear it out in public!!!

This is my second favorite sweatshirt. Kaytabug has a good story about this one!!!

And of course as well as I know the Captian, I have to have some Captain Morgan comfy pants!!!
Kaytabug would love to have this sweatshirt in her closet!!!

Yeah, I like to skate.

I was in the studio for this show. Tom Hanks was the guest. He was really cool and down to earth. Was right before Castaway came out.
Was on the ground for this show. Unfortunately had just gotten back off of patrol and slept through the visit. But my Gunner took care of me and got pictures and this shirt for me! Thanks "Gunner"!

Well, that's it. I did not really want to disclose that I am in the military, but that may come in handy for my next few posts since I will have students again next week.

Hope you enjoyed this look into my closet, Now GET OUT!!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Home alone with the kids

Well Kaytabug left for a retreat with her mom yesterday. Of course being the good husband I elected to take care of the kids for the weekend. Our oldest had a friend sleep over for the past 2 nights. So far s good, no broken bones, or serious injuries. Having 5 boys (myself included) in one house with no mommy around can get dangerous. I think today we will have a tree climbing contest. It should be fun to watch the 3 year old try to climb a tree. I'm just kidding. I'm not that bad of a dad! I will say that although I have done this a few times now, it is good to walk a few days in her shoes with the kids. It gives me a whole new appreciation for her when she gets home. Well time to go round them up for another movie.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun Monday; how I met the love of my life...

Today's fun Monday is being hosted by Janet from the Planet of Janet. She wanted to hear the story of how we met our significant other.

Well, Kaytabug told her side of the story, now it’s time for the real story.

Now she did have a few key points right… It was a strip club, I was bald, I did have sunglasses on, and I was wearing a leather jacket. OK, no one else had better be singing “I wear my sunglasses at night.” Anyway, in walks this gorgeous, tall woman, with legs that go on forever wearing black boots and shorts that may have been a few sizes too small, and a t-shirt that I might have worn when I was in grade school. MY GOD she was smokin’ hot! I leaned over to my roommate and said, “That’s her man”. All I remember was him laughing, and telling me to get another pitcher of beer. Good times good times.

So anyway, I decide to try something, now you can say it is cheesy as fuck, or whatever else you want to, but a buddy of my dad told me to fold a dollar bill in some unique way to get a girls attention. (At this juncture girl is equivalent to stripper.) So I being the not so unique type decided that an arrow was easy enough to do, so that is how I folded it.

(Insert Forrest Gump voice here) For no particular reason at all, she walked over to our table. She walked over, and all the while I am hitting my roommate in the thigh under the table saying “holy shit” under my breath. Again he told me to get another pitcher of beer. Fuck I hated that guy!!! So she came over, sat down, and started talking. I have no idea what she said to me other than asking me about the dollar and why it was in the shape of an arrow. Yes I do actually remember that… I can’t remember what I told her, but I am sure I tried to make it a little bit cooler sounding than what I stated above. I remember looking into her eyes the whole time, I had shades on, so she had no clue how much I was diggin’ on her!!! At least I don’t think she did. So she has to go for a while, and comes back again, I get her name and phone #, and she had to phonetically spell her name so I could pronounce it, I may have been a bit inebriated at that point.

And almost 11 years later here we are. I am older, still bald and have a protective covering over my totally sculpted 8-pack!!! And there she is, hotter than ever, and YES I can say her name just fine thank you!!!!

I love you baby!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yay, I have a blog, yay!!!

The name says it all, shits and giggles. My other half got me going on blogging, and I wonder where it can take a person.

How is it possible to develop friendships without knowing a person, without seeing their facial expressions, or even being able to tell if they are lying. the only thing you know about me is what I type, I can type whatever I want, and you will all assume that it is genuine and true. What is it about blogging that people enjoy so much? Is it the assumed security of anonymity, or the ability to talk (or type) anything you want with no repercussions? Is it the yearning to find a listening ear (even if the ear is technological and transcribes everything into sequences of 1's and 0's)? Maybe it is just the thought of being able to say what you want without the possibility of judgment from the computer. Whatever the reason, many people do it, and are better off. It possibly saves people from feeling lonely in times that they need to feel some sort of kinship and belonging; and for that I think that it may be worth it.

Thank you Apple (my computers name) for listening to my tyrade and not passing judgment on me or my beliefs.